Taurus New Moon / Sagittarius Full Moon feat. Leslie Tagorda

This lunation is asking you to stand up for what you deserve.

It's not going to be handed to you.

You MUST choose to have faith in yourself

and believe that you deserve this.

We’ll get into why and how to do that with Leslie Tagorda,

astrologer, world-improving brand strategist, mama, musician,

and delightful multiplex being. I can’t wait for you to hear it!

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You can find Leslie Tagorda on her website at NewMoonCreative.co, on Instagram @newmooncreativeco, and on her podcast at starpowered.com.

timewitchery.com/planner, where you can get a Time Witchery anti-planner to help you revolutionize your definition of success.

Rooms on Fire by the magnificent Stevie Nicks.

Make Magic:

As you are regenerating, as you are emerging,

as you are standing up and speaking out for what you believe in,

what is enabling your openness to that bigger, wider world?

And what, if anything, is inhibiting that openness? 

Transcript: Taurus New Moon / Sagittarius Full Moon feat. Leslie Tagorda

Natalie Miller: What does your body want in it, around it, like to be fed, to be immersed in? That's all gorgeous

Leslie Tagorda: And what you said, like, you deserve this. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah, like this nurturing is your birthright as a human.

Leslie Tagorda: But—

Natalie Miller: [laughs] Yeah.

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: I know. I was like, let's spend a lot of time there in the yumminess, because also—

Leslie Tagorda: But the universe is asking you to stand up for what you deserve. It's not going to just be like handed to you on a silver spoon. This is literally you making a choice to speak up for what you want, to empower yourself and, at the utmost, have the gratitude, and belief, and faith in yourself that you deserve this.


Natalie Miller: Welcome to Mind Witchery. I'm your host, Natalie Miller, and I'm so glad you're here. Hello, my love. Here comes another New Moon. We have another New Moon tomorrow. It just turns out we keep going round and round and round. [laughs] And I'm so excited to have on today a dear friend and like a business bestie. So, Leslie Tagorda, welcome to Mind Witchery. Welcome back to Mind Witchery. I'm so glad you're here.

Leslie Tagorda: Hi, Natalie. Thank you for having me here to talk about the things that we love to talk about most, astrology. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: The things we love to talk about most, yes. Leslie and I love talking about astrology so much we wrote a book together—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —about it. [laughs] It was a very 2022 book because it was about those lunar cycles. Although I will say, Leslie, there is a lot of timeless shit in there. There is some timeless wisdom in there.

Leslie Tagorda: There's so much good stuff, maybe one day we'll come back to it when [laughs] the time is right. 

Natalie Miller: Maybe one day we will come back when the time is right. So Leslie is a genius. Leslie is an astrologer. Leslie is a multiracial completely-committed-to-making-this-world-better brand strategist. Leslie is a mama, and a musician, and this delightful multiplex being, and I'm so grateful to call you my friend. What did I miss? 

Leslie Tagorda: Oh my goodness, I feel like you totally saw like the prism of all of my facets. 

Natalie Miller: Ah! It's my specialty. [laughs]

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: Yes. So, Leslie, we are here to talk about this next lunar cycle. We're here to talk about the New Moon in Taurus that is tomorrow—it is May 19th—and then the Full Moon in Sagittarius, which is June 4th. Let me pause though, and just say I just time traveled into the future because, in fact, you and I—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —are sitting here on Cinco de Mayo, and it is the lunar eclipse in Scorpio right now in current time, right. Right. But for the listeners—

Leslie Tagorda: And Mercury retrograde. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: And Mercury retrograde, but that's why I felt free to time travel. So for the listeners, for the listeners who are listening to this on the 18th of May, it's tomorrow, baby. Tomorrow is the New Moon in Taurus. However, we will still be in the eclipse-y window, and so I'm just kind of curious to start there. Like, what has this eclipse season been about for you?

Leslie Tagorda: Whew, this past eclipse season, I feel like everything has just been like building and building and building for us. And, you know, I don't know if some of your listeners or clients tend to get freaked out by like, "Oh no, the sky is falling. We're going to have another eclipse. Oh no, Pluto is retrograde. Oh no, Mercury is retrograde." And I feel like all of these eclipses, like, if we go back to the first eclipse, the New Moon solar eclipse at Aries of 29 degrees, then we have Mercury retrograde. Then we had this Scorpio eclipse. 

Like, all of these were taking us on this like rollercoaster ride through making a bet on ourselves, on our best selves, coming face-to-face with scarcity mindset. That Scorpio eclipse, like, that total like spiritual detox, like, the—I'm going to be potty mouth a little bit—but like feeling [laughs] that liberation in your body after you've taken like the biggest, most massive dump. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: The best feeling.

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: The best feeling, just like ah. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. 

Natalie Miller: I didn't need any of that. 

Leslie Tagorda: Did not need any of that fear, shame, guilt. So like those like three events that are leading us up now to this newest lunation of this Taurus New Moon, like Taurus wants to hoard stuff, right. Can we swear on this podcast?

Natalie Miller: Oh yeah.

Leslie Tagorda: OK. You know, like that Taurus energy like left unchecked is like going to like hoard shit. It's going to over-buy courses, cheap trinkets, luxury bags, overeat. 

Natalie Miller: H&M clothes, everything. [laughs] 

Leslie Tagorda: Fast fashion, ah [laughs], right? And so we needed all of that purging because we needed to make space for what we truly want so that we can feel full and satisfied. And this is something that I really like learned from you, Natalie, that idea of plentitude, satisfaction. So now we get this New Moon in Taurus tomorrow, as we time travel to May 19th, and we get to say, "What do I want? What makes me feel good?"

Natalie Miller: What do I want? And we have Jupiter arriving in Taurus. 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: It's like the New Moon is happening, and Jupiter like knocks on the door, is like, "Hello, I'm here." What do you make of that?

Leslie Tagorda: Let's go big. At the time of this Taurus New Moon, we have Jupiter, North Node, Mercury, Uranus, and both luminaries all in Taurus. So it was like a Taurus party. What do you want that makes you feel so good in your body? What feels good on your body? What is like that peacefulness? Like, what do you want to eat? What do you want to put in your body, on your body, around your body? 

Natalie Miller: Totally. 

Leslie Tagorda: And then Jupiter is like, "Go big. Take up space." [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Totally. And, also, we have Venus in Cancer. So Venus is ruling the Moon. Venus is in Cancer, and Venus is like, "No, really, baby, you deserve it. You need it, like nurture, love." That's what I'm getting. Do you agree with this vibe? 

Leslie Tagorda: Oh, totally, because if you think of like Cancer, right, the divine mother, and Venus in cancer, she is inviting you into her opulent home and, you know, putting the fuzziest, warmest slippers on your feet, and sitting you around her kitchen table so that we can connect and welcome you. What is like Venus in Cancer going to feed you? It's not going to be like [laughs] a crudité plate. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: No.

Leslie Tagorda: She's going to be like, "Want some ice cream?" [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Right, totally, totally. Yeah. I actually have a great friend who does Taurus, and she has a ton of Taurus, a ton of Cancer in her chart, and her home is just—I can't even describe. It's like every dish is so pleasant. Like, every mug is a joy to hold. Every window has like a little plant, and then a little rose quartz. [laughs] It's like it's so beautiful and opulent but not in a Trump-y way, right. It's like—

Leslie Tagorda: Oh, bleurgh. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: —bleurgh, right. It's like deeply gorgeous, deeply sweet, and like of the Earth, comforting.

Leslie Tagorda: I can imagine that her house also smells like just like fresh peonies, like the slightest waft of peonies from like a very expensive like [laughs] room freshener. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. 

Leslie Tagorda: Not the cheapy room freshener [laughs]; like the stuff that comes from Europe. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. It's like her towels are really fluffy. Maria Cristina [sp], if you are listening to this, you already know this. But like—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —her towels are fluffy, and you smell them, and you're like, "What possible detergent makes it smell like ever so slightly perfumed but also like it's been dried in the sun?" [laughs] It's just like it was—

Leslie Tagorda: Ooh, can we go to her house? [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: We all want to go to her house. 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: We all want to go to her house. OK. So that was a nice, luxurious sidebar of the yumminess of this lunation, all this Taurus energy ruled by a Venus in cancer. I love this. Like, what does your body want, in it, around it, like to be fed, to be immersed in? That's all gorgeous. 

Leslie Tagorda: And what you said, like, you deserve this. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah, like this nurturing is your birthright as a human. 

Leslie Tagorda: But—

Natalie Miller: [laughs] Yeah. 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: I know. I was like, let's spend a lot of time there in the yumminess, because also—

Leslie Tagorda: But the universe is asking you to stand up for what you deserve. It's not going to just be like handed to you on a silver spoon. This is literally you making a choice to speak up for what you want, to empower yourself and, at the utmost, have the gratitude, and belief, and faith in yourself that you deserve this.

Natalie Miller: Yeah, especially because—

Leslie Tagorda: That's a big but. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —right, especially because—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] Yes. 

Natalie Miller: —some of the bad boys [laughs]—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —some of the tough ones—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] You're like relaxing your shoulders. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: I know. I'm like, let me stretch. Let me stretch. Some of the tough ones, namely, our friends Mars and Pluto are also having a conversation in this lunation. 

Leslie Tagorda: They're facing off with each other. Now, I feel like both you and I like to play with sharp objects [laughs]—

Natalie Miller: Yeah. 

Leslie Tagorda: —so to say, because we trust ourselves. 

Natalie Miller: Right.

Leslie Tagorda: Right? 

Natalie Miller: I'm like, "Dear podcast producer, there's our audiogram right there."

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: I think you and I both like to play with sharp objects. 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: We do indeed, right, because we like to cut away shit that's not working. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, and if your knife isn't sharp, it's not going to cut. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: Totally, 100%. If you want to cook, you're going to need a knife, and it's going to need to be sharp. 

Leslie Tagorda: A good knife. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah, a good knife, yeah. All right. So we have some, we have some knives. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, we have some knives. So astrologically speaking, for those astro techies out there, we have what is called a T-square. And you can visualize a T-square as like a right-angle square, like a half of a right-angle triangle, half of a square. 

Natalie Miller: You know how I like to think about it too? I love to think about squares and T-squares as like a four-way intersection where it's like three cars are pulling up at the exact same time, and they have to spend a minute going, "OK, who's going?

Leslie Tagorda: The right away, yeah. 

Natalie Miller: It's like they all have to kind of look at each other. And these three planets, it just turns out like, aren't really the ones to kind of sit back and be like—

Leslie Tagorda: Ooh, no. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —and be like, "Oh no, go ahead."

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Maybe Jupiter but not even really, right? 

Leslie Tagorda: No.

Natalie Miller: It's like, "Oh, go ahead. Go ahead." No. Like, these guys are all like really wanting to go. So what do you make of the kind of really—the part of the opposition that is Mars at the anaretic degree of Cancer, the very last 29 degrees of Cancer, opposing our still brand new in Aquarius Pluto?

Leslie Tagorda: Pluto, yeah. 

Natalie Miller: What do you make of that, Leslie? 

Leslie Tagorda: This is fight energy. This is face-off energy. We don't have to be afraid if we understand what they're fighting for, right? And ultimately, to me, at least, when I see oppositions and these squares, you know, Natalie, or even just in a chart, there's so much energy. There's so much activation. And it pushes us. Like, we need these squares, these oppositions to have the momentum to drive things forward. And a square is always asking you to make a choice. 

Natalie Miller: I love that. 

Leslie Tagorda: Like, I don't believe it's integration. It's a choice, a decision. 

Natalie Miller: It's a choice. It's a decision. It is definitely the like—to continue the potty mouth—shit or get off the pot. Like—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] Don't be sitting there reading your phone. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: [laughs] Like, are we doing this or not? 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: And, you know, I just wrote this question, Leslie. I hope you'll go with it too. But with Jupiter in the mix, right, because we have Mars and Pluto across from one another, and then we have Jupiter in that kind of third position, so at 90 degrees from both of those planets, I think Jupiter, who's an idealist, Jupiter, who's here for growth and learning and wisdom and expansion in that way, I think Jupiter is like, "So what is worth fighting for?"

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah. What do you believe in? 

Natalie Miller: What do you believe in? 

Leslie Tagorda: Jupiter is holding down court here. When we have this kind of T-square in the sky, the planet that is holding court as kind of like the pivot, the center of this opposition, is the one that gets to make the judgment. And Jupiter is about judgment. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. And it's funny, on the one hand, yay, it's Jupiter. Jupiter's a benefic. Jupiter ultimately is like, "Look, these choices, these fights, they can be for the highest good." And on the other hand, Jupiter is a massive gassy-ess being—

Leslie Tagorda: Oh yeah. 

Natalie Miller: —which can kind of overdo it.

Leslie Tagorda: Jupiter is simply going to overdo, exaggerate, expand, whatever you believe. So if you're already in that place of fear and disempowerment or powering over and controlling all of that face-off energy between Mars and Pluto, then guess what? Your dogma, your judgment, your limiting beliefs, Jupiter's going to flame those fires, and add gasoline to it.

Natalie Miller: Yeah. Super important also because Neptune is trining Mars. [laughs]

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: And [laughs] Neptune just has this way, right? Neptune is—I always think like, if you all haven't seen—we'll put this in the show notes—Stevie Nicks, the video for Rooms on Fire. [laughs] Have you seen this video? 

Leslie Tagorda: No, I need to look that up. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Oh my gosh. Let me just like—here's the choice lyric from the song: "Long nets of white cloud my memories." It's just like it's—the whole video is very like—you know.

Leslie Tagorda: I didn't light this on fire. 

Natalie Miller: [laughs] The rooms are on fire, but like it's all so dreamy. [laughs] 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Yeah. What does that say to you, that there's a Neptune trine to Mars? 

Leslie Tagorda: I absolutely love Neptune trining to Mars. Like, it's one of my favorite aspects like when I see it in people natally, when I see it in the sky, because to me this is devotion through action. 

Natalie Miller: That is a beautiful way to think about it. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah. And so I haven't seen this video of this fire, but I can imagine Stevie Nicks dancing through the fire. And as she moves her body, it's a devotion to whatever god she's devoting herself to at that moment. And so, you know, thinking about all of that Taurean Earth-bound energy, and the way, you know, Mars and Pluto asking us to take action, and stand up for what we believe for, then Neptune is, "Dance, stomp your feet, chant, sing in devotion for what you want."

Natalie Miller: Yeah. Oh my gosh. If there's any other big rooms of fire people out there—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —there's this other line in the song that is so—this is the first time I've ever noticed that this is so Neptunian. But she says, "There is magic all around you." There's magic all around you, and I think Neptune also does tap into that a little bit. It's just like, did we all forget about the superpowers available to us? Did we forget about our creativity? Did we forget about our spirituality? Did we forget about the larger-than-life like out there power that we have?

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, that is our source that we are, that surrounds us, just simply waiting for us to ask. 

Natalie Miller: It's just there. 

Leslie Tagorda: Just there. 

Natalie Miller: It's just there. I love it. So what else do you notice, if anything, about this lunation that feels important? 

Leslie Tagorda: So Pluto, to me, is just over the course of May and into June, [laughs] anytime a planet enters any of our fixed signs—Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus—or anytime a planet enters an air sign—Libra, Aquarius, Gemini—that Pluto hanging out right there is going to say, "Die and be reborn. Like, here we are." So, you know, Pluto holding court at that very beginning degree, and that Taurean energy getting ready to enter Gemini feels like just this big revelation and understanding. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. You know, the word that was coming to me—and for me, this has actually also been the word of this eclipse season—is regeneration. Uranus now is in the middle of Taurus, and Uranus has been there for a while; still going to be there for a while. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah.

Natalie Miller: But these eclipses finally are like, "Can we get this Uranian thing kind of like there. There's a little spark. We're lighting a little bit of fire. We're lighting up that Uranus and Taurus," and not incidentally. Like [laughs], the financial collapse everyone was promising—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —[laughs] we were like, oh, maybe that's not going to happen, actually [0:20:18] right? [laughs]

Leslie Tagorda: Oh gosh.

Natalie Miller: So, you know, not to be doom and gloom, but that was kind of the thought. When Uranus came into Taurus, people were like, "Let's really look at like food systems. Let's look at the financial systems."

Leslie Tagorda: Oh yeah.

Natalie Miller: Like, "Let's look at the ways we support ourselves in this world." And of course, we've seen tons of challenges on that front since Uranus has been here. But you actually taught me this, Leslie, is like when we think about revolution, it's not necessarily only a going forward. It can also be a going back, right? 

So regeneration can be tapping back into what we want. It could be tapping back into our purpose. It can be tapping back into who we were before that job, before that relationship, before that thing happened. So that regeneration and remembering that like as we go around and round, every single one of us, we are programmed to regenerate. Like, that is in our cellular structure. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. 

Natalie Miller: And it's in our ability to be on this planet, too, in a regenerative way. 

Leslie Tagorda: You know, I think that's one of the reasons why I love astrology so much is because it shows us all of those different cycles, right, our annual cycles with the Sun, our daily cycles with the Moon, our life cycles with the outer planets. Like, all of these reminds us that even when we go back, we're coming back in a different way. We can still update. 

And thinking about like Uranus and Taurus, from a global perspective, not just finances but also about rematriating land, and caring for the land, and restoring old ways of like land conservation, like indigenous knowledge and wisdom. And it also is about resources as commerce. And I think, at least as I see it going forward over the next few years, we're going to be seeing commerce really changing a lot to like energy [laughs], like just like the power that powers us. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: The power that powers us. I mean, we've noticed—if you're following Russia's war on Ukraine—energy is a huge part of that. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, and like the domestic attacks on like energy grids and things like that. We don't need to go like deep, dark gloom and doom. But these are some of the things that as like Uranus is finishing up in Taurus, as Pluto vacillates between Capricorn and Aquarius over the next couple of years, we're going to see more and more of that. But we need to go through this. 

Natalie Miller: Yes, totally. So as above, so below.

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: As on the planet, so in you. I think, for me, the question here is like, "What do you want to revive and regenerate? Like, it's time. You know it's time. It's bin time. It's bin time." So what is that for you, and then what's the first step? What's the first step toward that? 

Leslie Tagorda: Well, if we ask, the first step with this Taurus New Moon, it's starting with your body. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. See how our questions went in a nice little circle there. 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: I always like that. 

Leslie Tagorda: Thank you for bringing us back, Natalie. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: I love it. I love it so much. OK. So this is actually—there's a ton of power in it, but I love this. I love this New Moon. 

Leslie Tagorda: Oh, me too. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. 

Leslie Tagorda: It feels wonderful. It feels like it doesn't have to be scary with that Mars and Pluto. Like, of course, as we get up to this New Moon in the following days, like, when you're out on the road, be aware [laughs] because there's going to be rage-aholics that are triggered by this, and that is not you. So just be conscious, aware, keep your eyes open. 

Natalie Miller: And, honestly, stay home. 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Like, stay home. Make yourself just the fluffiest little nest with the nicest mugs, and buy some fancy detergent to wash your towels in. Like, yeah. Like, that's OK. 

Leslie Tagorda: And cheese, I'm going to buy cheese. 

Natalie Miller: That's OK. Yeah, and cheese, yeah. [laughs]

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: OK. Good. I mean, really, like what I just said is kind of like an answer to any moment, so just bookmark that. [laughs] 

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: OK. So let's move on to this Full Moon in Sagittarius. So the Full Moon in Sagittarius, it is on June 3rd/4th because it's June 3rd at 11:42 p.m., Eastern Time. So it'll be that evening time on the west side of the Eastern Coast. Leslie's out in California, so she'll have one that is right at the kids' bedtime. [laughs] 

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. 

Natalie Miller: Exactly. [laughs] And then over the Atlantic and east, it'll be on June 4th. So this Full Moon in Sagittarius, this means that our Sun is in Gemini, pretty much smack dab in the middle, and the Moon is in Sagittarius, pretty much smack dab in the middle, 13 degrees. What calls out to you as most interesting about this Moon, to start with, Leslie?

Leslie Tagorda: Well, the Sun, like, so the opposition of like the Gemini, Sagittarius, like they're almost out in left field. There's nothing really happening in the sky [laughs] in these like little corners of the sky. And if we think about the Sun ruled by Mercury, Mercury has finally left the shadow zone of that Taurus retrograde period. 

Natalie Miller: And has found a new best friend. [laughs]

Leslie Tagorda: Uranus. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: [laughs] I always love when I took astrology courses, lessons, like learning how to do it with Austin Coppock, he was like, "Yeah, you want to think about a conjunction as like they're sharing a bunk bed."

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Uranus and Mercury are sharing a bunk bed. And you just think about that, and like, oh yeah, there's like a power struggle in that. It's like one moves on top, and the one on the bottom sha…you know, like all of the things. I love that image, so.

Leslie Tagorda: But maybe, right, because—but like both Uranus and Mercury, they're about sharing information. 

Natalie Miller: Yes. 

Leslie Tagorda: So they're in that bunk bed, and they're staying up all night talking about all of the ideas and how they're going to change the world.

Natalie Miller: They sure are, yes, because they're also really interested in moving it along. They're like, "OK, let's go." And of course, Mercury having had this kind of, in D&D terms, a long rest [laughs]—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —Mercury has just had like its, you know, its own retrograde that will feel that extra much, I think. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah. I love that energy, and there's this kind of quintessential connection that quincunxes with Saturn. I think as I've been kind of like softening my own personal hustle [laughs], I was like, "I'm not going to like deal with quincunxes and inconjuncts, because they're so not practical." [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: Right. 

Leslie Tagorda: But now I'm really absolutely loving the softness and the magic that comes with these quincunxes. And so thinking about Uranus and Saturn that I've been really fighting for the last few years in squares, and like giving us like stress tests, I finally feel like we can like reveal the magic [laughs] of all of the hardships that we've been through over the last couple of years. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah, reveal the magic. Let's create a question around that. I think it would be so fun to create a question around that because, yeah, it's almost like, OK, when you think about what you've been through, when you think about what you've been through, all that pressure, what is the diamond that that pressure has formed? What is that diamond for you? It's so sparkly and strong. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. 

Natalie Miller: What is it? And I want you to go with, my lovely listener, really the first thing that comes to mind, because I think a lot of us, when we get to this place to think about like really claiming the magic, the impulse is to be like, "No, I mean, may…prob…no, probably." Right? No, no. All of the pressures of the last few years have created a diamond in you. What is it? What is it, and where are you seeing it coming through? 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, and I feel like that diamond definitely going with trusting your gut, like you said, Natalie, and choosing that first thing because it's quintessential. It is not what you expected.

Natalie Miller: No, it's not what you expected. It's not what you thought you needed either. I love that. I also love that while we had Mars opposing Pluto in the New Moon, in the Full Moon, it's Venus's turn. So it's kind of like Mars like takes off and, I don't know, the place is kind of wrecked. [laughs] 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah.

Natalie Miller: And then Venus kind of passes through. How do you see that, especially since it's happening? Really, it's the same aspect, it's just happening at the Full Moon instead of at the New Moon. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah. Two weeks later, Venus comes through, and she's still in Cancer, and so her beautiful opulence and comfy coziness and belonging with Pluto. I love Pluto so much. [laughs] I just am like, what? How is this really going to be? How is this really going to show up? I just imagine this like being so certain of who you are and who you're here to connect with, and what is absolutely home for you that there's never a question. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. And, you know, if you think about it, in that earlier lunation, what's worth fighting for? What are you going to stand up for? And when you do that, the people with whom you are supposed to connect, they'll be standing there too. Just look around. There they are. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. 

Natalie Miller: Right. But if you don't stand up, you won't be able to see them. You've got to stand up. 

Leslie Tagorda: I love that vision, Natalie—you're so good—that all of your people, that Venus, you know, her power to attract the people and the resources that you need, so once you decide to stand up and fight for something, your people will come. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. Also, where are you finding the people and the resources that you need, right? In this regenerative moment, in this magic-claiming moment, like, you are finding them, so pay attention to that. It's like, oh yeah, that one group of friends, I'm getting all these ideas, or that one organization that I'm affiliated with, like, wow, that's really feeding me right now. It's like really pay attention to that. 

Leslie Tagorda: And it's super interesting that when you think about like how do I find them, well, it brings us straight back to the Sagittarius Full Moon, because when we think about the Sagittarius Full Moon and like the purpose of a Full Moon lunation is to release the things that hold you back from getting what you want. So we can think of the Moon, the shadow side of the Moon, all of the blocks that prevent us from getting the source of the Sun. Right. 

There's some kind of reflection there. So in this process of standing up and calling in your people, you need a voice. And with this, with the Gemini Sun and that Sagittarius Moon, what ideals and ideas haven't you been voicing, and why? 

Natalie Miller: What ideas and ideals haven't you been voicing, and why? And also, this is not like a beat-yourself-up-about-that moment, right? Like, I know for me, my first impulse is like, oh, because I'm not brave, because I'm—right. It's like, oh no, yeah, totally, this has been so destabilizing. These last years have just really—like you said, we've been through so many stress tests, right? That's OK. And also, we are emerging. I mean, we're always emerging, but now really we are emerging. We're moving on. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. Both you and I have children, young children, and you were sharing earlier that your children are sick. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Yeah, my teenagers.

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. And I have a 7-year-old and, you know, this whole year, even though like we've been mostly over COVID, we've stopped getting those COVID notifications at school. But now there's like the strep throat, and all of these other like viruses that are like coming back with a vengeance. I'm like—

Natalie Miller: Totally. 

Leslie Tagorda: It seems a little bit even harder than it was with just like the simplicity of like those deepest, darkest days of lockdown. And so thinking about this, you know, with the Sagittarius Moon kind of hanging out there by itself, mostly by itself, making a couple of aspects—

Natalie Miller: But nothing strong.

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, nothing strong. And so it's like are there beliefs that need to be released? Like, maybe I have these beliefs that I need to release just in terms of like things are harder. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: You know, there's something here. I'm going to stumble around it for a moment. But one of those teenagers has a Sagittarius Moon, and a person with a Sag Moon is like a wanderer and an explorer, and so there's maybe something also to that. As we are regenerating, as we are emerging, as we are maybe standing up for what we believe in, and speaking out, what if anything is enabling our openness to that bigger, wider world, and what if anything is inhibiting that openness, right? 

Sagittarius wants to remind us, like, this big wide world is glorious. There's so much that's here. It's so abundant. It's so easy to forget that when we are making diamonds [laughs]—

Leslie Tagorda: Yes. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —because we're under so much pressure, right? 

Leslie Tagorda: Oh, I didn't know that one of your children has that Sagittarius Moon. I have my Sagittarius Moon also. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. 

Leslie Tagorda: And this particular Sagittarius Moon, as you were mentioning that, I was like, oh yeah, I forgot that Jupiter is cozied up to the North Node. What do you take of that? 

Natalie Miller: I love to think of North Node as this kind of like desire destiny place. You're never going to get there [laughs] because desire is never-ending. But also, this is something that's pulling us and calling us. How do you think about it? 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah. That North Node is like, to me, like that soul potential—like what is our most glorious potential?—yet moving towards that potential, your greatness, right, of all that wonder that you could be, that's a stretch. 

Natalie Miller: It's a huge stretch and, in many ways, you're made to stretch that way, right? That's yours. You're made to stretch that way. And then at the same time, like, you know, I think about the Jyotish image of the nodes is the dragon always chasing its—it's like never quite going to get there, right? And so, yes, it's the potential, but potential never stops potential-ing. [laughs] Like, it's never achieved. It's never reached. So there's never like this satisfaction of like, ah, I made it. You can always see the next.

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah. So I wonder if there's going to be like just like this vision, this purpose. When I think about like Jupiter, at least in like leadership and like brand astrology, I always look at it as like our big why. What is our purpose here now? And so maybe your purpose has changed. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah, maybe your purpose has changed, and maybe, right, it's changed because of both, all that pressure, that new diamond that you have that you got through all that stress of the last three years, and maybe it's also changed because now you can see things that you couldn't see before. You can see possibilities. You can see problems. 

Leslie Tagorda: All those dots are connected. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah. 

Leslie Tagorda: Sagittarius loves connecting those dots. 

Natalie Miller: Yes. Yes. 

Leslie Tagorda: I wonder if you've noticed this with your, like, with your people, Natalie. But I've noticed this thing with my people. The most successful ones of my clients, like, the ones that have made the money, have the communities, their businesses are doing wonderfully, and they don't want to do it anymore. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah.

Leslie Tagorda: They want to burn it down. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah.

Leslie Tagorda: Not burn it down completely because, well, they still have to make money, but they want to shift their priorities and their goals to doing things for themselves. 

Natalie Miller: You know, a thing I say, Leslie—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —and that's exactly who I work with, of course, right, so if that's you, call me. [laughs] 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: But everything is always changing, and so are we—so are we. We learn. We grow. We see things differently. We enter different seasons of our lives. This world is changing, and we are changing. And so, you know, I think a lot of times, we think about sustainability as like, what's the thing I can enact that just will like keep everything going? It's like, it's very like industrial revolution, right? It's like, how do I keep the lights on, right?

Leslie Tagorda: Perpetual and extractive and—

Natalie Miller: Perpetual, extractive. It's like, oh, let's just defy the reality that everything's always changing. Let's just figure out like, what can I put in place so that, you know, it's all this in business terms, because you and I both work with business owners. It's like, you know, what's my rinse and repeat? What's my evergreen that I never have to like look at?

Leslie Tagorda: Set and forget. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Set and forget, right? Yeah. Is that truly sustainable in a world, a marketplace, a humanity that is always shifting, changing, innovating, it seems, now sometimes faster than ever?

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] It's so fast right now. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: Yeah, maybe sustainability is actually more like what we saw with native peoples who move around, who follow resources, who—I just read this line in a book that was like, "looking for abundance and honoring abundance rather than trying to outrun scarcity." And it was like, yeah, that's a different way of being in the world. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah. I mean, our current society and capitalistic society manufactures scarcity, right? So we're always running away from scarcity. But I love this idea of running towards abundance, and thinking about just like the sustainable ways and the movement. So maybe this Full Moon, really, that key is right there. The ruler of the Moon, Jupiter conjunct the North Node. 

Natalie Miller: I love it. 

Leslie Tagorda: What is this new purpose and potential that you're stepping into, connecting the dots, believing, seeing for the first time in its most glorious possibility?

Natalie Miller: I love it. I also love that a Full Moon in Sagittarius with the Sun in Gemini has generated way more than three questions. [laughs] 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] One last thing about this. 

Natalie Miller: [laughs]

Leslie Tagorda: There's more and more because—

Natalie Miller: There's more. There's more. 

Leslie Tagorda: —remember Neptune was playing with that New Moon in Mars? 

Natalie Miller: Mm-hmm. 

Leslie Tagorda: And now it's playing with Venus. 

Natalie Miller: Now it's playing with Venus, yeah. So it's like the rooms aren't on fire. [laughs]

Leslie Tagorda: No. [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: It's not. It's not. It's not Stevie Nicks singing the Rooms are on Fire. It's a whole different Stevie Nicks song. [laughs] Yeah. 

Leslie Tagorda: I think that song might be—

Natalie Miller: It might not even be Stevie, TBH. We might, like, switch over to Stevie Wonder for this [laughs] first for Neptune and Venus. [laughs]

Leslie Tagorda: Or like something about fireworks or something, like, something that's just like so glorious and awe-inspiring. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah, but like sweet. I don't know. There's almost like, you know, Sun on the water or sunset over the ocean, right? It's like there's just this like, yeah, it's luminous. It's beautiful. It's awe-inspiring. It's awe-inspiring. 

Leslie Tagorda: And so maybe Neptune, if we thought of like Neptune and Mars with that kind of like devotional action—

Natalie Miller: I like it, yeah.

Leslie Tagorda: —maybe this with Venus now is like devotional reception. 

Natalie Miller: Yeah, and devotional receiving, like that kind of connecting, right? That maybe it isn't so much about doing; it's just about being. 

Leslie Tagorda: Yeah, being and attracting what is yours.

Natalie Miller: Yeah. Again, you will want your nice mug and nice-smelling towels. [laughs]

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] Yes. 

Natalie Miller: Oh my gosh, Leslie, such a joy to co-create with you—always, always, always. Will you come back? I want you to come back, and do another one. 

Leslie Tagorda: Anytime, Natalie. I absolutely adore you. We have so much fun. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: We do, we do. 

Leslie Tagorda: We're like definitely on the same page, and we love talking about astrology.

Natalie Miller: So on the same page. So tell my beautiful listener where they can find you.

Leslie Tagorda: Phew. So things have changed. I don't know if I mentioned that. But we've gone through this kind of mini rebrand. So I used to be at New Moon Creative, and now I'm just Star Powered. 

Natalie Miller: Star Powered. 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs] 

Natalie Miller: It's like so fun when people discover their brand name, and it's like it was always there—

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: —and now it's out. I love it. 

Leslie Tagorda: It feels great. So I have a podcast called Star Powered. I am not consistent, and I love it, so don't ask me to conform. [laughs] I drop episodes whenever I want now, so I don't want burnout. 

Natalie Miller: There you go. 

Leslie Tagorda: I'm on Instagram at bestarpowered, and I have a beautiful community called Star Powered Circle, if you are interested.

Natalie Miller: Yes, so worth your while to hang out with Leslie in her wisdom and her beauty and her kindness. You're so good. You're so good. I just adore you. 

Leslie Tagorda: Thank you for seeing me, Natalie. That's so beautiful. [laughs]

Natalie Miller: Yes. All right, my love. So thank you so much for listening. You know, if you have a Time Witchery Planner, there is a spot in your Time Witchery to hold all of your lunation reflections so that you can revisit them and so that you can actually do them. Maybe not in the 28 notebooks you have kind of floating around your house. 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: P.S., you can still have those. 

Leslie Tagorda: [laughs]

Natalie Miller: I certainly do. So check out Time Witchery. It's a beautiful moment to adopt it, if you have not yet already. Check out Leslie's magic in her Insta and her podcast. And, more than anything, please love on yourself in these lunations, this New Moon and this Full Moon. It is a time of appreciation. Give more value to what's really important, which of course is you. Thank you so much for listening, and bye for now.

Leslie Tagorda: Bye.


Thank you for listening to this episode of Mind Witchery. To catch all the magic I’m offering, please subscribe to the show, or if you want a little bit of weekly witchiness in your inbox, sign up for my Sunday Letter at mindwitchery.com. If today’s episode made you think of a friend or loved one, your sister, your neighbor, please tell them about it. We need more magic-makers in this troubled world. 

Like all good things, this podcast is co-created by stellar people. Our music is by fabulous DJ, artist, and producer, Shammy Dee. Our gorgeous art is by the sorcerers at New Moon Creative. Mind Witchery is produced in conjunction with Particulate Media, K.O. Myers, executive producer. And I am Natalie Miller. Till next time. 

End of recording


Again, A Spell for Self-Kindness


A Spell for Revolutionary Success