1:1 Coaching with Me
Hi. I help feminists walk their talk.
So that you can live well AND do good,
while doing exactly what you want.
Yes, that’s possible.
I know you think you need more discipline, better focus, bigger drive to get it.
But really, what you need
is to believe in magic.
YOUR magic.
i know you, because i’ve been you.
You’re working way too hard for a life you don’t actually enjoy living.
You want to live your feminism, and to move through this world with the confidence to be seen, heard, and paid.
You worry too damn much. You want to cultivate hope, self-trust, and courage, and move away from indecision, self-doubt, and fear.
You’re hungry for changes big and small, and you want to make them from a place of love, trust, abundance, and growth mindset.
what happens when you work with me
Change happens, magic happens, results happen.
As clients work with me, they move from self-doubt to self-trust, and here’s what happens next:
One woman sought a promotion and got it - along with a $50K raise.
One woman declined a promotion, in favor of doing work she truly loves. (Now she makes more money AND works 25 hours/week).
Three women left their unhappy marriages. They’re all thriving.
One woman summoned the courage to stand alone in a lawsuit representing her colleagues against the Trump administration. She won.
Three women negotiated completely new positions for themselves: on their own terms, with more money.
One woman made peace with food, stopped binging, and committed to body-kind daily exercise.
One woman set boundaries with her mother, and transformed their relationship for good.
One woman left a job in which she was miserable and started a hugely successful consulting business.
One woman embarked on her first book tour, showed up shining, and sold out her books everywhere she went.
Two men - I do work with feminist men! - adjusted their work to fewer hours, more of what they like, and more time to be home with their families.
In everyday life, you’ll find these badasses rock-climbing.
Traveling solo.
Creating sacred alone time in the mornings.
Saying No to sex they don’t want, and actively seeking the sex they do.
Taking pottery classes.
Decluttering like mad.
Going on silent retreats.
Guiltlessly declining offers that don’t suit them.
Eating well. Sleeping well. Striding through life like the queens they are.
Doing work they love.
Offering scholarship opportunities.
Creating non-profits that serve their communities.
Collaborating with neighbors to spread health and wealth.
These are people creating the world they want to live in.
what happens in our work together
I’m quite loving, and also I will totally call you on your shit.
You talk about what’s bothering you.
Not to re-hash and complain about your problems,
but to understand and evolve beyond them.
I listen to what you're saying, and to what you're not saying.
I ask questions that spark new ways of seeing your situations
and even better, seeing your way through them.
I help you see your assumptions about the world and yourself,
and let go of the ones that are holding you back.
More than anything, I help you love and trust yourself, so you can BE yourself.
I share all sorts of work/life balance and self-coaching tools with you,
and I give you gentle accountability as you implement them.
You make changes small and huge,
and you gradually build an everyday life that delights you
AND enables you to make a bigger impact in the world.
want to work with me?
Fill out my application. Tell me about your situation and what you're looking for in coaching. If I think I can help, we'll schedule a connection call together.