You are a miracle, and that is not all.🌟
Today is a good day to remember what a miracle this whole thing is.
Here we are, on a sphere of rock, water, and breathable gases,
orbiting a star at a just-right distance.
Here we are, for just a sugar snap of time.
From your mother's womb to our Earthly environment:
so very, very much has gone exactly right
for you and I to be here.
We are fortunate ones, I swear.
How would you live -
what chances would you take,
investments would you make,
happinesses would you pursue -
if you trusted your great fortune completely?
Maybe the answer to that question is a call you've been hearing for weeks/months/years,
or maybe it's a muffled cry beneath piles of Have Tos and Shoulds.
Any which way:
if you've been waiting for a sign,
look up, down, all around, and in your heart.
The go-ahead is everywhere.