A Spell for Potent Beginnings

I love ANY excuse to celebrate a beginning.

A new year, a new day, a new project,

or a new phase in an existing endeavor.

Whenever you’re ready to plant the seed of something new,

this spell will help you bring it into the world

in a purposeful and powerful way.

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Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead List of Values

is a beautiful combo:

a list of values that might resonate with you,

and a practice for helping you decide which ones speak to you most deeply.

Make Magic:

When you’re ready to start something new,

don’t jump right to “what, when, and how much.”

Instead, consider the values that speak to your heart,

and the vibes you want to bring to the world.

Center those in your goal-setting,

and you’re on the path to true potency.


Natalie Miller: Welcome to Mind Witchery. I’m your host, Natalie Miller, and I’m so glad you’re here. 

Hello, my dear. So, today’s episode is just a little snack plate. [laugh] It’s not a full meal for you today. But I did want to, here at the very end of 2021—or perhaps, for you, the beginning of 2022—I wanted to give you a spell for potent beginnings. And, you know, I know some people are into the new year’s thing, and some people not so much. 

I happen to love any excuse to celebrate a beginning, to begin again. And, in fact, the idea I’m sharing with you in today’s episode for having potent beginnings is something I do almost every single day. Almost every single morning, I do this little practice, and it has changed my entire life for the better.

OK. So, often when we are beginning something, we think in terms of what, and we think in terms of quantities. So, here, as people are setting their new year’s resolutions, there’s probably a lot of “this is what I want to do this year.” I want to take a vacation in the summer. I want to get 12 new clients in my business. I want to make $250,000. I want to be able to bench press 100 pounds.” Right. It’s a lot of what, and it’s a lot of quantities. 

And, listen [laugh], the world, the powers that be have taught us that this is the way to set goals, right. [laugh] I was sitting with my teenager on the couch yesterday, and I said, “Have you heard about SMART goals?” And she said, “Ugh.” [laugh] And I said, “Yeah, that’s how I feel about them too.” But we are taught that goals should be Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-bound, right. There’s a lot of what and there’s a lot of interest in quantity. How long? How many? Those kinds of questions.

That doesn’t work for me. [laugh] That doesn’t work for me because it leaves out what I find to be incredibly powerful forces, forces that I can harness, that I can direct every single day. And, so, that is what my practice centers around; not the what and the quantity but rather the how and the qualities. So, a spell for potent new beginnings is all vibes and values focused. 

So, let me give you some of the questions that arise when we approach a new beginning in a “how” way rather than a “what” and with interest in the qualitative aspects rather than the quantitative goals. So, as you are beginning something, whether it is a new year, a new day, a new project or initiative, a new relationship, a new phase in a relationship, the first question always for me is, how do you want to feel? How do you want to feel? What are the vibes that you are wanting to conjure, that you are wanting to tap into, that you are wanting to cultivate in this endeavor? How do you want to feel?

For me right now, ease and spaciousness are key vibes that I am wanting at home, in my work, in my day, in this year; ease and spaciousness. How do I want to feel? I want to feel easeful. I want to feel spacious. I want plenty of room. 

Now, these vibes are generated in a lot of different ways. Vibes are generated by what we’re believing—what we’re thinking and believing. So, I like to identify a few thoughts, a few spells, that help me to feel easeful and spacious. And, so, a few thoughts I might use here are like I have plenty of time. The right next step always appears just as I’m ready to take it. And when I am believing I’ve plenty of time, when I’m believing that the right next step will appear rather than me having to stomp around to find it, that for me generates spaciousness and ease.

I also want to think what are the elements of my life in which I already can find ease and spaciousness? And, so, you know, I talk about this all the time. But for me, reading fiction, reading novels helps me to feel easeful and spacious. It expands my inner world in a way that has always, since I was a little girl, helped me to be present and relaxed. 

I might build extra time into any endeavor. So, where I have a project that I’m planning, I might build more time into it. Oh, instead of beginning this in February, let me begin it in March. Instead of flying in the same day that the program begins, let me fly in two days early.

I’m thinking here how am I approaching these endeavors this year with an eye toward ease and spaciousness? So, when we are thinking about the vibes we’re wanting to cultivate, we’re also thinking, OK, what do I need to believe in order to feel this way about myself, about the world, about life, and also where do I find and create these vibes? Where do I find them already, and how do I cultivate them even more? 

OK. So, vibes and values. What are the values I am bringing to life in this year, this project, this day, this relationship? What are the values I’m bringing to life? For me, probably my very, very top value is generosity. I love to be generous. I get it from my parents. I get it from a Jupiter-ruled chart. [laugh] Wherever it is that I get it, I feel best in my life, in my work, in my relationships when I am generous. 

And this is what I have discovered is the key to living our values. We must extend the value toward ourselves first. I cannot be generous with others unless I am generous with myself. If I am going to bring the value of generosity to life, I have to bring it to my life too. Perhaps you are already really clear about your values, or perhaps you’d like to do a little values review. 

In this moment at the end of 2021, the planet Venus is in retrograde. And I see that as an invitation for all of us to really check in on the values front, and to see what our the qualities, the collections of beliefs and feelings, the values, that I want to orient toward in my life. So, I will put in the show notes a list of values. You know, they’re very lofty and conceptual. They don’t always just appear for us. So, you can also, of course, ask the Googles to give you a list of values. And then go through and see which are the ones I really want to bring to life?

Once you have identified the vibes and the values that are most important for you, and once you have allowed those vibes and values to influence how you are approaching this new beginning, you’ve basically set an interior GPS toward a certain way of being. And, this is the best part, it can start today. Today, you can begin feeling easeful and spacious. Today, you can enact generosity with yourself, with others, in your work, in your body. 

All of those qualitative hows, they don’t need to be time-bound because they can be anytime. They can be now. And that, my love, is why this is a spell for potent new beginnings because our power is right here right now. And when we decide, OK, this is how I want to show up, this is how I want to feel, these are the vibes that I am conjuring up around me and through me, then we are living on purpose. And when we are living on purpose, we are at our most potent.

I wish that for me. I wish that for you. I wish that for our whole collective, our whole planet. Happy New Year, my friend. Thank you so much for listening. Bye for now. 

Thank you for listening to this episode of Mind Witchery. To catch all the magic I’m offering, please subscribe to the show, or if you want a little bit of weekly witchiness in your inbox, sign up for my Sunday Letter at mindwitchery.com. If today’s episode made you think of a friend or loved one, your sister, your neighbor, please tell them about it. We need more magic-makers in this troubled world. 

Like all good things, this podcast is cocreated by stellar people. Our music is by fabulous DJ, artist, and producer, Shammy Dee. Our gorgeous art is by the sorcerers at New Moon Creative. Mind Witchery is produced in conjunction with Particulate Media, K.O. Myers, executive producer. And I am Natalie Miller. Till next time. 

End of recording


A Spell for Setting High-Quality Goals


Spells for Making The Most of 2021