A magic question ⚡
Today, I want to share with you the one question I ask myself
Every. Single. Morning.
This little question sparks so much change -
SO MUCH evolution -
and is a perfect practice to integrate during Pisces season.
Here it is:
How do I want to FEEL today?
What are the vibes I want to conjure up?
What are the emotions and energies I want today?
My preferred way to ask this question is in the early morning,
with my coffee at my side and my planner on my lap.
When my day is pretty spacious, I begin with this magic question,
and then tailor the day to activities that match the vibes I want.
When my day already has lots of commitments, I list those first,
and then ask how I want to feel as I meet them.
Regardless, I always make sure to write down How I Want To Feel,
usually right at the top of my planner.
The simple act of declaring your desired vibes
will - I promise! - help you create a life that conjures them daily.
Begin today?