The secret to generosity. ✨ 🔥 ✨
I don't know about you, but damn:
I love to be generous.
I love to share my magic. It feels so RIGHT.
I love to send gifts.
I love to offer help.
I love to say Yes.
I love to pay the check, and to add a lavish tip.
But here's the lesson I've learned - am still learning - about generosity:
If you want to be generous with everyone,
everyone MUST include you.
This means:
Reserving magic just for you.
Giving gifts to yourself.
Investing in help and support.
Saying Yes to your own desires.
Boldly requesting and cleanly receiving more money for your work.
I know from ample experience, that if you don't do this -
if you AREN'T regularly, dependably doing this -
you'll be on a fast track to burnout and resentment.
You'll be underfunded in body, soul, and bank account.
Your magic will thin and dwindle.
And you'll have far less to be able to share.
Being generous with others requires being generous with yourself.
How will you be generous with you today? This week? This life?
Watch and see:
the more you give yourself,
the more potent your magic will glow, and the wider your love will reach.
For the good of us all.