Conjuring Forgiveness feat. Kali Shelton

How do you deal and heal when someone’s done you wrong? My grounded and generous friend Kali joins me to talk about the cycles of forgiveness, inside and out, with a little help from legendary Mamie Till Mobley.

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Mamie Till Mobley on Forgiveness

The Language of Emotions by Karla Mclaren

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Kali’s site, or find her on the socials @kalvinashelton

Make Magic:

Know that conjuring forgiveness is always a custom blend and TAKES TIME.

To process the anger, ask yourself Karla Mclaren’s questions: What needs to be protected? What needs to be restored?

To be sweet with yourself in the process, add A Spell for Self-Kindness.

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A Spell for Sustaining Growth


New Moon in Aries: SPARKS