ch-ch-changes π π
Everything is always changing, and so are you.
You are always changing, and therefore so must:
your work
your routines
your business
your relationships
your life.
Sometimes, we're able to stay present in our lives, and to respond bit by bit to the changes always happening. This keeps us aligned and integrated as everything evolves.
But sometimes
we get caught up in the momentum of Busyness As Usual.
Things change, but we just keep doing what we've been doing.
Or something inside us changes, but our circumstances stay the same.
And then:
What used to work for us no longer works.
What used to be comfortable feels confining.
What used to be plenty no longer is enough.
Our lives feel less Wild & Precious, more Stuffy and Depleting.
This is disconcerting, worrisome, even scary.
Right here is where I almost always meet new clients.
And our first order of business is NOT, as you might expect, changing course.
The first thing I help people do is get deeply, fully present with themselves.
To feel what's been pushed down or away,
to allow their truths to surface,
to press pause on Busyness As Usual,
to begin in tiny ways to be moved by what they desire rather than what's expected of them.
That last part!
I find it all comes down to the simplest, least easy question:
What do you want?
The answer will ground you in this moment and all that's changed,
will help you reorient and realign,
will even replenish your tank, so you have the energy you need to do what it's time to do.
Try it and see. And if it feels too hard - because it IS usually quite hard! - you know where to find me.