Why go it alone?
Why do we talk ourselves out of receiving support?
A gif of a woman speaking into a microphone on a red carpet saying, “You know what. That’s a good question.”
I say “we” because I do this, too.
I just spent a good month purposefully talking myself into hiring a second coach,
even though I fully, completely trust in the power of coaching
even though I KNOW from experience that I thrive when I have a coach
even though I believe coaches having coaches is a matter of integrity.
There's a persistent voice that whispers - even hisses -
You should be able to figure this out on your own.
Maybe you've got a version of this?
This voice that says you simply need to get your shit together.
That it's really not that hard, and you really shouldn't need help.
This voice that says support is more a want than a need,
so a coach / babysitter / copywriter / therapist / housecleaner / assistant is more a luxury than a necessity.
If you, too, have this voice, allow me to support you with some questions that will help you understand it:
Where does the idea that I Should Be Able To Figure This Out On My Own come from? Where did I learn that it's better to do it myself than to ask for help or receive support?
Who benefits when I force myself to go it alone? Who benefits when I invest in help?
Do I believe everyone should figure it out on their own, or does this more apply to Just Me? If just me . . . why?
I hope these questions help you get some clarity on the origins and agenda of our tendency to talk ourselves out of receiving help.
I also hope that if you've been talking yourself in and out of the idea of working with ME, you'll take a good, long look at Crucible - a perfect way to experience the potency of my coaching, and to show yourself the difference that investing in support can make.
I'd love for you to feel the excitement and specialness I'm currently feeling, as I spend today diving into the support materials that my new coach has supplied.
I would love for all of us, together, to create a world in which we see what happens when we shift our resources toward supporting ourselves and one another.
Would you?