😬 I needed to practice what I preach.

Hello from Taos, Natalie!

I've been in New Mexico all week, attending (rather than leading) a retreat for a change.

Damn, did I need this.

Things for me were feeling a little meh. β€œFine.”

Life - especially my creative life - was feeling same-old-same-old.

I'm so glad for this walk-my-talk moment.

I've taken long walks under a giant New Mexican sky. Attended inspiring workshops with interesting new friends. Slept, deeply and a lot.

I've enjoyed meal after meal not made by me. And most importantly: I'm enjoying enough time and space to hear my inner-inner-inner voice.

The amusing point here? This really, simply is a taste of my own medicine. I'm doing ~ e x a c t l y ~ what I encourage other people to do.

So lemme ask:

my dear helping friends - 

you coaches and teachers and creatives and parents, you -

how would it help you to do a little more Practice What You Preach?

Where might you benefit from a loving dose of your own medicine?

It makes sense, but is still strange: the wisdom and perspective we offer the world is very often exactly the wisdom and perspective we ourselves need.

Apply liberally.




Why leading with strategy points toward misery


Can't spell renovation without β€œno”