Baby you're a star 🌟

If you want to Do Something Big -

write a book / build a business / create a podcast / found a nonprofit

there is a pre-requisite.

First and foremost, you need to cultivate Main Character Energy.

A gif of Mariah Carey smiling on her cell phone sitting in a basic blue padded office chair surrounded by her team being rolled by a security guard down a backstage hallway toward the stage.

You need to be willing to be - as memoirist and poet Dine Watson said in this week's Mind Witchery interview - the star of your own story.

Here are vital three ingredients of Main Character Energy:

Self-Centering. We self-center by caring generously for our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls. We self-center by aligning with our values, honoring our desires, and integrating our intuition. We self-center by reclaiming our time, boosting our energy, and doing what we please.

We reject the idea that someone who centers herself is greedy or narcissistic. We live into the premise that we can only give generously from overflow, and that we can only truly lead from a place of integrity.

Receiving. We stop being lone wolves and become pack leaders. We allow people to help us. We evolve our lifestyles to suit us better, and invest in the support we need.

We refuse the dominating culture's expectation that we self-sacrifice and over-give. We stop treating ourselves like machines. We work through the discomfort of needing more than we want to need.

Shining Like the Stars We Are. We lead by example. We show our brilliance, our quirkiness, our dreams, our fire. We cultivate love for all our parts - even and especially our contradictions and imperfections - and we glitter like jewels as a result.

We opt out of the tendency to hold back in supporting roles and instead step into the spotlight. We decline the cultural imperative to please and appease, with our words, our positions, our appearances. We experiment with self-expression, and we courageously show how we grow.


If you feel like there's more for you here in this life, you are right.

And I know from so much experience, personal and professional, that the journey to claiming more begins with you starring in your own story.

The great news is that you can cast yourself.




You have time. ⚡


A lesson I just keep learning ✍️