What I found in the New Books Section
Hello friend,
How connected are you to everyday joys?
I re-established a vital connection for myself this week
when our local public libraries re-opened.
This was me:
Aaaaaaaaaaa it was so delightful.
I wandered the new books stacks
and found novels I hadn't yet heard of.
I got a title or two for each of my girls.
I borrowed a cookbook.
In short: I F E A S T E D.
(as I almost always do)
I marveled for a moment that we humans sometimes make such good choices.
We decided to share books,
to make whole beautiful buildings dedicated to exchanging them.
Isn't that so PROMISING?
For me, libraries are an everyday joy.
A mundane proof of goodness, beneficence, generosity, abundance.
When I look for these, I find them everywhere.
When I find them everywhere, I feel grateful.
Compelled to add to the bounty.
Look around:
everyday joys are everywhere,
ours to share.
The more receptive we are to their profusion and promise,
the more we'll be inspired to contribute.
We can do beautiful things.